Esoteric Pessoa

An afternoon in discovery of an important and mysterious aspect of the thought and work of the great Portuguese poet 


Prof. Davide Bigalli
Fernando Pessoa: Esoteric Space and Time 

The birth of the heteronyms as an alchemical operation

– The arrows of time: Sebastianism as cult of the past and as projection into the future, flight from the a entristecer present

– The return of the ancient gods

– Pessoa between Neopaganism and covert Gnosticism: a Portuguese Templar?

… moments in a reconstruction of the categories of space and time, paradoxical in the terms of our thinking, but one that acquires vitality when, to use the words of the heteronym Bernardo Soares, we live in a state of slumber, when life itself is sleep.

Antonio Capelo and the actors of the Teatro Arsenale
Pessoa’s Words: Esoteric Poems in Italian and Portuguese

and to follow..

Portuguese appetizer
bolo de atum, pasteis de bacalà, arroz dolce and sangria tradicional portuguesa