Category / / arsenale teatro

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  • My fair lady

    based on G.B. Shaw’s Pygmalion Good evening! Our story is set in England and begins right in front of a theater: Covent Garden in London. It was the time when…   Created…

  • The man who turned into a stick

    by Kobo Abe Under the title The Man Who Turned into a Stick are united three one-act plays by Kobo Abe, originally written at different times over the space of around twelve…

  • El retablo de maese Pedro and El corregidor y la molinera

    by Manuel de Falla EL RETABLO DE MAESE PEDRO (“Master Peter’sPuppet Show”) musical and stage adaptation of El ingenioso cavallero Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes In 1918 the…

  • La demoiselle élue – Il sogno di Rosetta – Genoveffa di Brabante

    by C. Debussy, R. Zandonai, E. Satie Three Art Nouveau chamber operas in the historic center of Barga   The performance is organized as a tour of some places in Barga and…

  • Sixty-Two Mesostics re Merce Cunningham

    freely adapted from John Cage and Italo Calvino Cathy Berberian gave me “Sixty-two Mesostics Re Merce Cunningham,” saying: “Try to do it.” The first thing I saw was a sheaf of 62…

  • U tamburu

    by Nino Pino U tamburu is a dramatic fable based on Zeami Motokijo’s The Damask Drum, and reinvented by the Sicilian poet Nino Pino, who has set it in an imaginary palace of…

  • Two modern Noh plays – The Lady Aoi and Hanjo

    by Yukio Mishima Snowfall in a hot summer “Wilting like a flower.” “I can’t wait any longer” I don’t like talking about my production. I prefer to let Yukio Mishima’s last action…

  • The little mermaid

    by Marguerite Yourcenar I got to know Marguerite Yourcenar through her short stories and novels. Between 1930 and 1961, Yourcenar wrote six plays, some of them straight off, others rewritten several times…

  • Le Bourgeois gentilhomme with Ariadne auf Naxos

    by Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Richard Strauss One-act divertissement by Hugo von Hofmannsthal with music by Richard Strauss to be performed after Molière’s Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, 1912 version What we would have…

  • Sports and Pastimes

    By Eric Satie Twenty pieces for voice and piano by Erik Satie, with drawings by Charles Martin                                           Produced for the Teatro Comunale of Bologna and Autunno Musicale in Como